





Acres of Farms


Countries exporting to

Farmers’ Support Programs

Training Programs

  1. Making compost / Jeevamrut / Vermicompost/ BD-500
  2. Cropping Patterns-Selection of crops/crop rotation/inter cropping/mixed cropping.
  3. Crop Protection-How to make herbal pesticides (Dashparni ark, CPP, BD-501) using on-farm inputs to control pests.
  4. Harvest & Storage of organic food products.

Support Programs

  1. We provide various inputs to farmers like Biodynamic Compost Inoculum/BD-501/Seeds etc.
  2. We have well-trained staff on the field who visit all the farmers regularly and supervise their production and provide timely solutions to all the farmers.
  3. We arrange visits to successful farmers’ farms for knowledge sharing and confidence building of other farmers.
  4. We arrange tours for our farmers to various places like exhibitions, training etc to give them more exposure.
  5. Online Support-All our farmers are connected through social media to avail on the go support. We have an expert panel to resolve farmers’ queries.